A lot has happened since last time I posted something. Let’s get the big update out of the way first. My family made the decision to sell our house and travel the United States full-time. We live in a fifth-wheel; a lovely Open Range 374BHS. It is quite spacious when we are not in it. We have already been to 11 states. Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona. We are currently in Arizona, headed toward New Mexico. A big selling point for others in the family, (Mom and Dad) was traveling down South for the winter. Some of us are not happy about that, (me) but one year without snow probably won’t kill me. Maybe it will. We’ll just have to wait and see. It’s been a very cool experience and other than the fact that I probably won’t get to see snow this year, I don’t have any complaints. Actually I do, but you get the idea.

My other big update is that I’m a college student. I am currently majoring in Library and Information Services. I took a gap year after I graduated high school in 2021. During that year I worked at my local library as a Page. (The person that puts the books on the shelf and then takes them back off the shelf when you put a hold on it.) Working at the library was a life-changing experience. I had worked in the library for almost a year before I realized I wanted to work in libraries for the rest of my life. When I realized it though, I enrolled almost immediately in a library program. I’m currently working on an associates degree. After that I will have the qualifications to be the director of a small library in Wisconsin. I will have to decide if I want to continue my education after that. I probably will as I want to be a youth services librarian and most libraries require Masters degrees to work in the Youth Services department. I have very strong opinions about this but that’s a conversation for a different time. I am almost finished with my first semester and I’m very excited for a break.

I am going to try and document more of our travels on here but I can make no promises. Traveling keeps you busier than you would think and school takes up a lot of time too. Enough about me though, how have you all been?