It’s almost time to go back to school! Aww man! No!!!!

Okay take a deep breath everything is gonna be okay. I’m here to provide you with some helpful hints for putting up with school for like 2 hours. I know, I know, I am a amazing human being for helping you. It’s okay you don’t need to thank me.

Wise words from Pete Wentz

Don’t procrastinate!! Don’t do it!

If you have the option- Do your report or whatever on something you love. If you’re doing research on something that interests you, you are way more likely to enjoy your time spent studying and your paper will probably be better because it’s about something your passionate about.

Sleep! I cannot stress this enough! Get sleep! You will get sick and burned out if you don’t sleep! Which brings us to our next point:

If you are feeling really really overwhelmed and super stressed you are probably burned out or pretty close. If you are or are close to being, take a step back from everything. Reassess all your activities and classes. Ask yourself if you are putting to much effort into things. That’s a thing, trust me I’ve been in this position many times.

Having a set morning and night routine is essential to making sure you stay on track. Let me know if you want to see my routines so you can have an idea of what to do. Or go to Pinterest and search morning routines or night routines. There’s lots of good ideas to look at.

Music while studying. Music can be your best friend or your worst enemy. I personally can’t work without music. I need it. Some people do really well with songs with lyrics and some don’t. Try different things to see what works for you.

Take breaks while studying. A good rule of thumb is for every 30 minutes you spend studying, take a 10-15 minute break. Not too long though otherwise you’ll get sidetracked.

Please eat healthy. I’m not saying you can’t have any junk food, I’m just saying you’ll be able to focus much better if you only have it once in awhile.

Go outside. Get some fresh air. Take a deep breathe. Get some exercise. Enjoy every minute you’re not in school. (Enjoying your time in school would be great too though.)

Drink water!!!!!!! Do it! Do it now! I know not everyone loves water- (How dare you not like the best beverage in the world?!) but regardless you kind of need it to survive….. Again you’ll be able to focus much better if you’re drinking water instead of sugary sodas and fruit juices.

Try to make an attempt to get together with friends. I know you’re all trying to pass your classes and everything, but you’ll be much happier if your able to get together with your friends at least once a week outside of school. Take a much needed break from studying, and get together with your friends. (Unless you’ve been procrastinating, if you’ve been doing that refer to the picture of Pete Wentz above and rethink your life choices.)

Try not to care too much about what people think of you. Be unique, and don’t let people be mean to you for being so cool. They’re just jealous of how awesome you are.

That’s all for today.

People who have graduated what advice would you give to someone in high school? Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores what do you want to tell the Freshmen? Leave a comment below with your advice. Chances are I, a Junior could definitely use it.