Fall is almost upon us! I for one can’t wait for cooler temperatures and -as weird as it sounds- I can’t wait for lots of gray clouds! Summer was great and I had a lot of good times but Fall is one of my favorite seasons, topped only by winter. (I know what you’re thinking, “You’re from Wisconsin and you like winter?!” Yes I happen to enjoy the below freezing temperatures, snow, and darkness! I’ve always been a gloomy child okay?! Geez, why you coming at me like that?)

Okay anyways…..

  1. Classic T-Shirt & Light Jacket Combo

Pair a white t-shirt and a light jacket in a bright color, add some khaki shorts, a statement belt, and your favorite pair of tennis shoes and you have a cute but comfy look.

2. Sweater and Shorts

Fall weather can be quite crazy ’round here so layering up is a must. Too cold? Keep the sweater on. Too warm? Wrap the sweater around your waist.

3. The I’m In Charge Look

Find a work acceptable tank top, (Hint: french tuck it into your pants) get some cool plaid dress pants like me, add a pair of wedges and suddenly your in charge! Be careful with this look though- if you tell your mom you’re in charge of everything, she will make you do the dishes.

4. Band Tee

A band tee and leather skirt, paired with black boots. A classic. Can’t be beat. I happen to know some really good bands if you need recommendations. 😉

5. Turtleneck and Sundress

Another classic fall look. Who says sundress have to go away just because it’s getting colder? I’m lucky enough to own a turtleneck with cool lace sleeves, but honestly any long sleeve works, doesn’t even have to be a turtleneck looks great any which way. Wow. Shocking I know. I can’t even imagine how your feeling after finding out that secret.

Before we part, I really need to thank my best friend Mathea for taking these gorgeous pictures. She’s fantastic! So thanks Mathea!

Everyone say “Thank you Mathea!”

I hope that I was able to provide you with some inspiration for fall clothing or even give you ideas on coming up with your own fall outfits!

If you have any questions just leave me a comment and I’ll get back to you as fast as I can. Now I want to know which look was your favorite 1,2,3,4,or 5?