This Sunday we had homemade pizza for dinner!

I’m convinced there is nothing better than homemade pizza.  We made both cheese and pepperoni pizza, and both were a hit!


Homemade Pizza Recipe:


Pizza Crust -We bought our pizza crust pre-made, we just had to add the toppings and bake it.

Pizza Sauce


Pepperoni  (optional)

  1. Pre-heat your oven according to the instructions on your pizza dough package our if you were talented enough to make your your own pre-heat the oven to the whatever your recipe says.
  2. Roll out the pizza dough. 
  3. Put the sauce on, you can put on as much or as little as you want. 
  4. Time for the cheese! I recommend grating a medium sized bowlful. Spread your cheese evenly across your pizza.
  5. If you want to put pepperoni on your pizza do it now. 
  6. Cook your pizza according to package or pizza dough recipe.
  7. Enjoy!

I hope you have a great week!

Also why are food pictures so hard to take? Anyone got any tips?