Blogging is really hard sometimes. You have to find something to blog about first, then you have to create the actual post which involves a lot of thinking. Then you either have to take pictures or find pictures you can use, and insert those into the post. This alone can take anywhere from 20 minutes to multiple days. Then some bloggers- myself included- like to promote their content on various social media platforms. Try all that while balancing school, chores, extra-curriculars that require practice, and just life in general. Fun right?

Blogging is also rewarding. It’s so much fun to see a new comment on a post. It’s also fun to look at how many views your blog has in a day.

The top three reasons I try to continue blogging are:

1. My family knows if I’m blogging they are not supposed to interrupt me, so I get some quiet time while I’m working on the blog.

2. I think it’s so cool that I get to share my thoughts and skills with people I can’t see face to face.

3. I can’t imagine not blogging, it’s just a part of my life.