Hello! So I have a cute little peach tree I got about three years ago. I named it Mr. Peaches, but because he really isn’t zoned for my area we didn’t really expect him to make it through the winter. Well fast-forward to summer 2016. We went on vacation and when we came back 2 weeks later Mr. Peaches had doubled in size! Now summer 2017 has been kinda chilly and rainy, but Mr. Peaches has grown bigger still, and this time he had peaches!  Well of course you have to pick the peaches when they are ripe. Did you know you get lots of itchy peach thorns stuck on you? Literally everywhere on your body. It’s one of the bad parts about peaches.

Anyways I grabbed a bucket and started picking peaches, and I picked and picked and picked and picked some more. Over the course of two days I finally got all the peaches off the tree and most of them off the ground.

While I picked them my mom would wash them, and she counted a bucket and estimated that we had picked about 150 peaches! And there was still bad ones we couldn’t use!  

What is your favorite fruit?

Come back next week to see Peaches! Part 2 ~ Peach Pie!