Where to start, where to start…..


Did you know only 5% of essential oil has to be pure to bottle it and say it’s 100% pure?  If you get your essential oils from a store you have no idea what could be in it. It could be %5 pure essential oil and the rest could be just about anything, it could be alcohol, or worse floral water! (Floral water is the awful leftover water from distilling essential oils. Sometimes floral water can be found in perfumes and soaps and a few other things. Floral water is very dangerous!)  Would you want to put that on your skin? I know I don’t want to.  Only buy Young Living Essential Oils.  I know they are the only oils company that has truly pure essential oils.  They are so transparent in how they make, bottle, and ship the oils. This is their fantastic website that shows their process from planting the seeds to putting on the final seal. Young Living is the only essential oils company I would ever trust. Other companies will try to argue that they do just as much testing or more testing than Young Living, but that is just not possible. Just the other week the head scientist told us at convention that one of the tests Young Living does is done by a machine that only two of those machines in the world are used to test essential oils. Young Living owns both of them. He also said that the week before convention they sent back a huge amount of peppermint oil back to one of the farms because they found the tiniest bit of mercury in it! The week before convention one of their most popular oils because it wasn’t %100 pure and safe! I think that says a lot about the quality and purity of Young Living’s essential oils.  I used to try and be gentle and say that I grew up with Young Living and not hurt the feelings of people who used other oils, but right here, right now I’m going to say Young Living is truly the best, no other companies begin to compare, Young Living is the only company that can guarantee %100 essential oils. I know Young Living has added absolutely nothing to their oils. Okay now that I went off on that rant and have convinced you Young Living is the only choice for essential oils lets talk about convention!

Convention is a crazy busy week that is filled with fun, new friendships, and amazing learning experiences!

You can go to the farm and learn how they make essential oils, you can sample their products, you can attend workshops.

Now I was stuck in teen camp, but it turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life! For those of you who know me well you know that I can be pretty introverted when people first started talking to me I wanted nothing to do with them after a while though I got bored. A few girls started talking to me but we really didn’t like the same things. Then while waiting in line for dinner I met a kid from Texas. Need less to say now one of my best friends is from Texas.  At camp we had tons of speakers and we even go to meet the founders of Young Living; Gary and Mary Young! (I was really freaking out, after they left I was still shaking for like two minutes.)  We also got tons of free products!

 This is Gary and Mary Young!

I think that’s all for now.  If you use essential oils what is your favorite oil?

 These statements have not been evaluation by the Food and Drug Administration.  These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.