First I want to apologize for not posting. I had bloggers block (Is that a thing? Well it is now!) then the computer I do all my work on got dropped and the screen completely shattered. Ugh! So how’s your week going? 😉

Anyways.  My hair was about a foot and a half long.  It had never been that long.  My mom forced me to get my hair cut, she said I could just get a trim but I still didn’t want to do it.  Then something inside my head said ooo that hair cut looks cool on that person lets try it!  This is what I tried to get my hair too look like:

My stylist did a great job. I loved my hair…. for about three days.  I started realizing I couldn’t do anything with my hair. I was stuck with one hairstyle for a really long time! I am not going to lie, there were some night I was in tears because my hair was so short. I am not trying to discourage you from getting a short hair cut just warning you if you like playing around with your hair don’t get it cut to short. If you think hair is a bother and always in your way shorter hair might be perfect for you.  The reason I think I ended up getting my cut short was because something deep inside of me knew I needed a lesson in patience. Let me tell I do my best to be patient but I am really not that great at it.  So when I got my hair cut it was teaching me patience. My hair is now shoulder length and I can finally put it in a ponytail.  I will not get my hair cut short again but it was a good experience for me.

If you have short hair what is your favorite part about it?  How about if you have long hair what do you like about it?