February 12th-18th 2017 is Random Acts Of Kindness Week!  How cool is that?  I need your help to spread the word,

post a picture of you doing a Random Act of Kindness on Instagram with the hashtag #sunshineandblossomsRAK

(RAK stands for Random Acts Of Kindness in case you were wondering.)

I will try to look at all of your wonderful RAK pictures.  I will also be trying to post one of the things that I did for RAK Week on Instagram everyday during RAK Week.

Make sure you check out the official Random Acts Of Kindness Foundation website here.

Here is 7 RAK ideas you can use everyday!

  1. Buy someone flowers.
  2. Make some cookies for the neighbors.
  3. Take out the garbage without being asked.
  4. Call someone you haven’t talked to in a while.
  5. Write your Grandparents a letter.
  6. Leave a fun note in a library book.
  7. Go for a walk with your Family.

I hope you have a great Random Acts Of Kindness Week!

Comment your ideas for RAK Week!