My site finally letting me put the pictures in my posts!


I will admit I am slightly embarrassed as I write this, but I do honestly love this T.V. show.

First off I am sure this is meant to be a show for little kids but it has a great plot and side plots.

The summary of the show is 4 alien beings land on earth just before their planet is destroyed and Optimus
Prime gives them the mission to help a rescue team that just so happens to be the Burns family.  The Burns family consists of 5 people Chief Burns-the father & police chief, Kade-the oldest son & firefighter, Danni the only girl & rescue responder, Graham-the middle son & engineer, and finally Cody-the youngest son who mans the control tower.  Then there are their friends Doc and Frankie.  Doc is a scientist and Frankie is his daughter who is Cody’s age.  The Rescue Bots have to pretend that they are just robots but Cody soon discovers the bots’ secret.


The Rescue Bots themselves are Heatwave, Chase, Boulder, and Blades.

Heatwave is tough and sarcastic, but also has a soft side.

Chase is the friendly, but firm police bot.

Boulder is the nature loving, kind of geeky bot.

Blades is the funny and awkward helicopter bot, he is very sweet and sensitive.

This show is on Netflix and is truly a great show. Laugh at me if you want then go watch it so you’ll see what I mean. 😉


All pictures are copyright of Hasbro Entertainment.

Okay now that you are done laughing at me here is the link to my Doctor Who review if you are looking for a more grown-up show. (Whatever )

If you do watch it tell me what you think!