My site is finally letting me upload photos!  Also I am sorry I didn’t post last week.

First things first. His name is The Doctor not Doctor Who!!  Okay got that?   T.V. show’s called Doctor Who his name is The Doctor.  Simple right?

Do you want a T.V. show that is always happy? Then do NOT watch this show.  Do you want a T.V. show that will make you die of sadness?  Then this is definitely it!  Do you want a perfect mix between the two?  Then this is the show for you.

I love this show.  I have not watched all of it. I started on the new series with the 10th Doctor.  I know all of you Whovians who happened to stumble upon this post you may yell at me for skipping 9. But honestly it was my Bffs’ fault they encouraged me to start on 10, they have since told me to go to 9 and that they only started me on 10 because he was cute and wanted to get me hooked on the show.  I put 10 on pause and am watching 9 now. He is also great.


Okay for all you non-Whovians who still must be encouraged to watch the show and have no idea what I am talking about, The Doctor is a time lord (alien species)  who travels through space and time. He travels in his TARDIS which stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space.  Every so often the Doctor regenerates into a new person basically. He often travels with a companion-someone who travels with him.

So that is how I describe Doctor Who. I apologize if it makes no sense, it is one of the hardest things to describe especially when you are a fangirl.

Also for anyone who knows what the TARDIS is I had a fangirl moment when I learned that when you type in what does TARDIS stand for you get a result from a dictionary!