Let me tell you first off I LOVE this book. (Okay let’s be honest I “LOVE” most books, but that’s beside the point.)

Doable by: Deborah Reber

This is a great book to have for the New Year because it is all about accomplishing your goals.

In this book she is trying to teach and explain to you the big reasons you are not accomplishing your big and small goals or dreams.  Then she teaches you how to fix these problems and break your goals into smaller tasks.

She adds stories about other girls who have accomplished their goals to keep the book fun.

I think this book has really helped me at least start to accomplish my goals.  One of my goals was to take violin lessons. Guess what! I have been taking violin lessons for almost 6 months now!

You can buy the book here.


These are my New Year’s resolutions that I will be using this book for:

  1. Learn German, Spanish, and Gaelic. (Gaelic is the language of the Irish although they mostly speak English now.
  2. Start a garden and be successful.
  3. Be an Actress

What are your New Year’s goals?