Sorry my post is late guys but my site would not let me upload any pictures to it! (By the way I try to post every Monday.) I had this nice little post ready for you and I went to upload the pictures and I tried several times but they would not upload. So instead I bring you my first sorta kinda guest blog post. The actual article is on my familys’ blog, but I will give you a few details and then you can click on the invitation above or I will include a link below.

100 Day Health Challenge or 100 DHC for short.  You set 2 goals for one for fitness and one for food. I will be sharing a few of my goals with you and feel free to share your goals and keep me updated, you can send me an email at

I would love to hear from you!  Now that you know a few of the details go check out the official post written by my mom.

Click on the invitation above or click here.